Nov 19th Everyone Has thee Right To Choose There New Leaders
Thank you Jon and Alana for helping collecting the much needed signatures. Right now I need at least ten people to commit to being at Victoria city hall on Thursday afternoon at 4pm.read more
View ArticleRemember Even if you are unhoused you still have a right to vote Nov 19 2011
Apologies everyone, but we need to reschedule the meeting until thursday Oct 27th at 3 pm.read more
View ArticleSOS TREKKERS @)!@ onto Ottawa
The west is fullof lots of direct actions and are are preparing to take our actions al the way to Ottawa. Right now we have a small group of people walking with their dogs .read more
View ArticleSOS TREKKERS @)!@ onto Ottawa
The west is fullof lots of direct actions and are are preparing to take our actions al the way to Ottawa. Right now we have a small group of people walking with their dogs .read more
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